Monday, March 14, 2011

Daddy Milk

This afternoon, I brought James back to the hospital after "schooly" (as we call his day care). He was very excited to visit with mommy, baby sister, and of course grandma. When we came in, Becky was breastfeeding Baby Antoinette skin-to-skin to help soothe the little girl. Of course, we've been talking to James a great deal about how baby eats "mommy milk." The little one was asleep, so Becky wanted to get up and play with James. Taking my turn, I held Antoinette, took a seat on the bed, and started to pull up my shirt a bit so she could rest skin-to-skin with me as well. When James saw me doing this, he was quick to ask, "Baby sister get daddy milk?" He's a pretty astute kid, but we've got a little bit of work to do in the biology department.

1 comment:

  1. HA! one of the funniest things EVER! make sure you tell his girlfriends this story someday, several times each, as if they have never heard it before.
