Monday, May 31, 2010

New Photos!

To make things a bit easier, we're trying to post Jamie's photos using Picasa...try these links for some new photos!

James May 2010

James April 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jamie's First Complete Sentence

Ordinarily, James delights in eating strawberries. This morning, however, he was caught by some toddler whim and decided to throw his strawberry pieces, one by one, from his cereal bowl onto the floor. After our meal as I was taking him from his booster seat, he pointed down to the floor and said, "Messy."

I replied, "Yes, it's messy. Who made that mess?"

James stated, "Jamie mess."

"Yes," I said, "Who's going to clean the mess?"

With astonishing grammatical accuracy, James replied, "Daddy clean the mess."

Oh boy.