Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Morning

James woke up crying around 4:00 last night. I tried to wait him out but he wasn't stopping and since Eric was out camping I decided to bring him into bed with me. He has gotten much less wiggly so all in all this was fine. Around 5:45 I heard James talking and rustling around. As best I could tell he was was talking in his sleep and saying, "Calling Super Truck!" and "Help Me, Super Truck!" - a clear sign we have been reading the book Super Truck too much lately. Next I felt him gently pat my arm and say very quietly, as if not to wake me, "Morning Mommy. Sweet Dreams." I tried my hardest not to laugh or smile too broadly hoping he might fall back to sleep. He didn't but lucky for him his wake up was sweet enough for me to put up with the pre-6:00am wake up.

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