Monday, October 10, 2011

The Illogic of English and the Logic of Toddlers

James' language has exploded recently, especially his use of expressions and idioms. He surprised me a few weeks ago when, after I asked him if he wanted to do something with me (probably go to the park or eat ice cream), he replied, "Heck yeah, daddy!"

What's been fascinating to watch is how he applies very logical rules to create new constructs. For example, we often play a game that involves me saying something like, "OK, who wants to go to the park (or eat ice cream, or play cars)?" I look around and say, "I guess nobody wants to go to the park with me..." Recently, James interjected with, "Yesbody!" Of course, yesbody should be the opposite of nobody.

Earlier this week we were returning from the park, where James had ridden on his tricycle. We took the short route home, which involves a few flights of stairs up the embankment. Since he can't ride his bike up the steps, I was carrying him and one arm and his bike in the other arm. I told him to encourage me (it was hot and he's getting heavy), so he exclaimed, "Go daddy! You can do it! I'm cheering you on!" Then, as James likes to do to be funny, he started the opposite, "No daddy, you CAN'T do it." I stopped and said, "What!?" to which he replied, laughing, "Ha ha! I'm cheering you off."

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