Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Visiting Denver

For 5 days last week, James and I were back in our old stomping grounds -- Denver, CO. I had some research to do (which involved catching as many snakes as I could at a few sites in the area) and decided it would be fun to bring James along. Several friends of ours graciously allowed James to stay with them while I ran around searching for snakes, so many thank-yous and appreciations to Sarah/Eric, Ann/Ben, and Jen/Kim for taking such great care of James while his daddy was out "working". I was most curious to see how James would react to seeing his old buddies -- especially Benton, Adelaide, and Iris -- after nine months. As I had hoped, it was as if they had just seen each other yesterday and picked up the goofiness and fun right where they had left off. I hope that James can hang on to the memories of these good times with his friends and know that he can always go back and visit again. Unfortunately, I didn't take too many photos on the trip, but there are some here:
Denver Trip April 2012

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