Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Noodles! (with Mamma)

As often as I can I try to plan some adventures for James and I to have in our evenings together - it sure beats being in the house all the time. Yesterday we had big plans - get some lavender oil (it might help him sleep better) and go play at Gymboree.

After picking James up from PS1 we headed to Whole Foods. James pushed a "child-sized" cart, rode in the car shopping cart, filled his own cup from the water jug (over and over with mamma drinking big gulps to keep it from overflowing), and ran up and down a ramp about a bazillion times. I bought us some pizza and noodles to have for dinner before we went off to play. After finding a booth to sit in (so I could sit on the outside and keep James on the inside) the fun began.

He climbed the window ledge (So he could get a better view? I'm not sure as it was a floor to ceiling window), found my receipt and had fun crumpling it up and throwing into the next booth, and decided what he really needed to do was climb on the table. We compromised with me allowing him to sit on the table but not stand as was his original intention.

He quickly discovered the bag with our purchases. He pulled down the edge, peered inside, looked up at me and said, "Noodles?!" Being no dummy myself, I knew it was time to bust out the noodles.

After cutting them into small pieces we took turn scooping bites onto the fork for James to eat with an occasional hand darting in to grab an extra handful of noodles. By this point James was very happy and very excited. He began to flap his arms, and with a mouth covered in the object of his affection, chant, "Noodles! Noodles! Noodles!" He would pause only long enough to grab another bite or smile at my laughter before going back to his flapping and chanting.

As I glanced out the window I saw a passenger in a car waving, smiling, and laughing at James and his antics and I thought, I am indeed a very lucky mamma.

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