Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saying Bye-Bye to Nana & Papa

James' Nana & Papa, as he calls my parents, visited this past week-end. Despite being on the mend from a nasty bacterial infection resulting in a double ear infection and double conjunctivitis, James had a lovely time -- playing trains, taking baths, doing his happy naked dance, and visiting all the animals at the zoo.

He fell asleep on the way home from the airport today and continued his nap at home. When he awoke this afternoon, we were playing around the house when he ran down the hallway and began pounding on the closed door to the office/guest room. I was curious what had him so motivated, so I opened the door. He walked to the center of the room and looked around, stunned and forsaken, repeating plaintively, "Papa? Papa? Ooch ooch!" (translated: Grandpa! Grandpa! Come play trains with me!).

Photos of our recent adventures will be coming soon!

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